Behavioral factor boosting in Google

Behavioral factor boosting in Google

Behavioral factors in the promotion of sites are now in the foreground. Ranking algorithms are becoming more complex. It is now too little just link promotion.

How realistic is it to outsmart Google, is it worth it? Let's look into this topic.

What are behavioral factors?

The more users actively behave on the site, the better it ranks. Search engines get data on user behavior from special analytic services. They record the depth of view and how long the user is on the site. It is important how many pages he visits, whether he performs the targeted action (order, purchase). 

If a user comes back to search results too often, the system concludes that he was not satisfied. If this happens all the time on the site, then it ranks low in the search results.

Nowadays any manipulation of search results is detected rather quickly, faster than 10 years ago. If you act too brazenly, you can easily get under search engine filters. It's hard to get out of there, it's definitely not worth it. 

Two main types of boosting: by bots and by real users

The essence of the first method: bots imitate the behavior of real users who have visited the site. For example, a bot can enter the site and stay on it for a long time, going through many pages. This gives weight to the site in the case of real visitors. It is even much more effective than if the resource is promoted by links. This is especially true for Yandex. It very carefully analyzes the behavior of the user by many parameters.

It will not be possible in Yandex to be not only in the top, but even just on the first page, if the page is quickly abandoned, not looked at deeply, and do not perform the target action. 

Therefore, advanced programs are increasingly popular. Such bots on the site do not behave primitively, monotonously, and they are similar to real users. 

The essence of the second method is the manual gain. The site is not visited by bots, but quite real people. The person concerned pays them for this.

Yes, such a scam is difficult to detect. But in fact, the services of freelancers who will perform certain actions cost quite a bit of money. 

How do search engines react to it?

Of course, they react negatively, because the practice of trickery is contrary to the essence of ranking sites in terms of their usefulness. The rules of search engines clearly state that manipulation of results is negatively reflected on the position of the site. In highly competitive niches, despite all the bans and threats of bans, people continue to engage in the practice of cheating. Otherwise, there is simply no way to get ahead, no way to survive. As long as there are search engines and website promotion, there will be these methods. This is especially true given the enormous weight that user behavior carries today. It is very difficult to get a person to feel interested in one site and ignore others. 

It can hardly be said unequivocally that in the long run, tweaks are beneficial to companies. It is more likely not. 

That is why you should not use recruitment in such cases:

  • this is your main or only web page;

  • you have invested in the development of the site a lot of resources;

  • your regular contractor is working effectively.

The fact is that the effect of such actions can not last too long. Then you get penalties that hurt the ranking of the site. And if the resource falls into the ban, it may even lead to the complete collapse of the business. Therefore, the degree of risk should be judiciously evaluated in each case. 

In addition, there have been increased cases where the site was falsified at the request of competitors. So, if you see a sharp increase in the number of visits, you can assume that this is what happened to your resource.